So....not only did I wear this outfit but I took photos in it and now I'm posting it.
I love an oversized sweater or sweatshirt. I especially love to pair them with an extra tall boot or thigh high sock; HOWEVER, in this instance it is all wrong! The gap between the top of the boot and the bottom of the sweatshirt should be 1-2 inches not half a foot! *palm to forehead. I am wearing leather shorts but you can't see them so I look I forgot my bottoms. Serves me right for not looking in the mirror before I left the house.
Do not try this at home ladies unless you go for a longer sweater or taller boots otherwise you'll end up looking like you are doing a walk of shame. Which I literally look like I am doing since I am walking down a street in the morning. I hope this post helped someone out there, otherwise I look like a fool for no reason.

Sweatshirt: Zara
Boots: Stuart Weiztman